Our business is to help our communities grow and evolve. With this exciting growth comes equally exciting news.
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MRPE President, Matt Rodgers, presented at Daylor High School in Elk Grove Unified School District to upperclassmen in the Building and Trades Path class. This course is offered once a year to highlight potential career pathways in construction. Students were able to interact with various surveying equipment and Matt taught them about the different routes to becoming an engineer or a surveyor.
“As our city moves into the new millennium it is important to introduce our young people to not only the local educational opportunities but also to the employment and career opportunities our great region has to offer. Understanding that we all benefit from an educated and employed society both industry and education have come together to create curriculum that includes work based learning opportunities that give students real time examples of how relevant education can lead to long term employment. Our goal is to make our young people both college and career ready by the end of High School.”
MRPE Staff and engineers from the City of Sacramento Department of Utilities and Department of Public Works helped to mentor two teams of civil engineering students from Sac State on their senior projects. The students designed site improvements for two areas of Loaves & Fishes, a Sacramento-based organization which provides survival services to homeless men, women and children.
“This has been an incredible opportunity for Sacramento State civil engineering students and faculty, working with volunteer engineering mentors to interact with the community through an active service learning senior project.”